Friday, December 30, 2011

Tool #2

Although I started this tool back in November, it has taken me some time to get more comfortable navigating through all the information.  I'm not as comfortable posting as I would like to be, but hopefully that will get better with time.  It really helps to be able to see completed blogs that I can use as a resource and I think I would be lost without them!
It definitely is a whole different world posting thoughts instead of just discussing things in person with my teammates.  I am lucky to be on a team that works well together, openly shares ideas, and is willing to clarify anything that I may need help with.
I recently joined Pinterest after hearing raving reviews from friends, that also happen to be teachers.  I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to search the site, but definitely look forward to using it soon for ideas in the classroom as well as recipes and things for home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kari, you are one of my 5 blogs that I am visiting. I like what I have seen on your blog, especially the music.


Number Rock! Counting from 1-20

ViewPure - The Number Rock (song)

Raffi - Apples and Bananas

ViewPure - Apples and Bananas